

Just Jim, standing over the new Yamaha G-7 at Monte Vista Church.  Photo by Donna Ahrend (that's my sister!).


There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as if everything is.


    ---quote attributed (probably incorrectly) to Albert Einstein (but I like it anyhow)



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The future of a very cool jazz series Jim Ahrend  | May 14, 2014

A year ago, Monte Vista Church (where I am the organist and choir accompanist) took a bold step into the community and launched a new series of "experimental jazz vespers" called "Faith, Hope and Jazz!"  For the past 12 months I've been coordinating the musical end of the series, which happens every Thursday evening at Monte Vista Fire Station and features a different quartet each week.


We are at a crucial point in the history of FHJ.  The question is, will this series continue to be funded into 2015 and beyond?  At the time I'm writing this, it is still a question mark.  The whole idea of a church sponsoring a jazz series out at at gathering spot on Central Ave. is bold and novel; they aim to make friends in new places.  Time will tell how successful this experiment is.  Meanwhile, for the musical community, it has been an excellent opportunity to establish a jazz following in a new venue, and to support live music, expecially in the jazz genre. 


Thursday May 15 will be our 1-year birthday celebration.  To help with that, we've invited Hillary Smith to be our featured vocalist, followed by an all-out jazz jam at 8pm till we run out of steam.  How will the evening, and the future of the series, play out?  Stay tuned!